Ultimate Travel Guide to Y Linh Ho Sapa Village

trekking in y linh ho sapa

Travelers to Sapa will have the opportunity to experience the pristine and endearing beauty of Y Linh Ho Sapa in addition to the breathtaking beauty of Cat Cat Village, Love Waterfall, and the elevated beauty of Fansipan Mountain. The village is well-known for its utterly wild and poetic beauty. You shouldn’t miss Y Linh Ho Village, a neighborhood village in Sapa that offers breathtaking scenery and a unique cultural experience. Encompassed by the Hoang Lien Son Mountain range, numerous terraced fields and streams, and the austere, straightforward bamboo homes of the villagers, Y Linh Ho Village is a must-see destination in Sapa that is well worth your time to explore.

How to Get to Y Linh Ho Sapa?

Proceed to Lao Chai village from Sapa Town and continue traveling for an additional 3km after passing Lao Chai. The untamed and picturesque Y Linh Ho village perched atop the mountains will then briefly come into view. Having a tour guide is highly advised because the roads are extremely complicated and there is no wifi or signal in the mountainous areas.

y linh ho sapa village
How to Get to Y Linh Ho Sapa?

What makes Y Linh Ho Unique?


It is said that some Dao people, led by Mr. Ly Linh Ho, reclaimed and opened the area surrounding Y Linh Ho village some time ago. Following a protracted period of habitation and construction, the Dao people established a new village, which they named Y Linh Ho in honor of the man who had served as the village leader. 

In contrast to other villages and hamlets in Sa Pa Town, Y Linh Ho Sapa village is situated quite distant from the main road and has a winding, steep road. As a result, the village is quiet and peaceful rather than noisy due to traffic.

Even though Y Linh Ho Village, in San Sa Ho commune, is close to Sapa Town, the people who live there still have challenging lives. The village is currently split into two smaller communities, Y Linh Ho 1 and Y Linh Ho 2, each of which is home to roughly 100 families. The primary crops grown by the locals are corn and rice.

Scenic Beauty

Visitors to Y Linh Ho Village will undoubtedly be astounded by the breathtaking views of the cornfields and terraced fields. The locals here take excellent care of the fields since they are their primary source of income. As a result, the padding fields are consistently incredibly lush, particularly during harvest. The village always receives a large influx of tourists during harvest season, who come to take in the breathtaking scenery and take distinctive pictures of the ripe crops.

y linh ho sapa vietnam
Take distinctive pictures of the ripe crops

The gentle, refreshing Muong Hoa Stream and Hoang Lien Son Mountain are two more of Y Linh Ho Sapa’s scenic highlights in addition to the terraced fields. The popular Thac Bac waterfalls, also known as the Silver Waterfalls, are downstream of the Muong Hoa Stream. The gentle stream meanders through Y Linh Ho Village, resembling a massive serpent as it twists and turns, bending the sides of the terraced fields. It’s definitely bringing a new, vibrant life to the village’s nature.

During the rice-ripening season, the field’s yellow hue casts a magically beautiful reflection on the stream water. The stream gives the villagers food, such as fish and shrimp, and assists them with irrigation work for the terraced fields.

Ethnic Culture

Scattered across the mountain slopes of Y Linh Ho Village are numerous small ethnic groups, the most populous of which are the Black H’Mong and the Dao people. The village is now separated into Y Linh Ho 1 and Y Linh Ho 2 communes. Currently, there are roughly 100 households with Mong and Dao residents in each commune.

Unlike some of Sapa’s busier and more lively tourist destinations, the village has always been a peaceful haven. Visitors can unwind, take in the breathtaking scenery, and discover more about the everyday lives of the Mong-Dao minorities by visiting Y Linh Ho Sapa.

What to Do in Y Linh Ho ?


When visiting Sapa, trekking is a must because of the endless terraced fields and mountain slopes dotted with gorgeous flowers. Although Sapa offers numerous trekking routes, Y Linh Ho commune hiking is also highly recommended for the following reasons, we suggest s Sapa tour to Y Linh Ho 1 day trip:

y linh ho village in sapa
Trekking is a must

We start our day with a trek to Y Linh Ho village through the picturesque Muong Hoa Valley. The Black Hmong minority’s home. If the weather permits, you will be treated to breathtaking views of rice terraces and mountains extending as far as the eye can travel throughout the valley. The journey continues with a stop at Lao Chai, a historically significant Hmong minority village that has been inhabited for generations.

9: 30 AM: Leave Sapa town. along the main route leading to the Muong Hoa valley.

The first stop on the journey is the panoramic view of the city, followed by a view of the valley from the main road. Following 4 km on the main road, we begin our descent into the valley via small paths amidst the terraced rice fields, arriving at the hamlet of Y Linh Ho Sapa. From the village of Y Linh Ho, we will travel to Lao Chai village by following the Muong Hoa stream. It’s time to visit a local home and take in the cultural explanations from your guide. For example, their traditional home, manner of life, and methods for making clothing…

Or hear about the approach used to treat a sick person. Take a break for lunch. Lunch is served at one of the lakeside refreshment stands in the area. We leave Lao Chai in the middle of the day and travel to Ta Van village, home of the Giay people. We returned to Sapa town by way of the main road after our visitation with the Dzay family.

You can either ride a motorcycle or walk back to the town from here. If you choose to go by foot, your one-day Sapa tour will come to an end at the hotel around 5:30 pm. Around 4:30 if you return on a motorcycle.

Learn how to make handicrafts

Since Y Linh Ho Sapa is now a popular tourist destination, the locals and government have developed a variety of services for you to discover and use. The people here are eager to share their traditional culture and customs with you. 

You can learn how to weave brocade from the girls or women, and you can even get the products made for yourself to give as presents to your loved ones. Numerous everyday-use items are also available, like brocade towels, embroidered cushions, ethnic musical instruments, and mementos.

Exploring the Brocatelle Weaving

The people in the village would be more than happy to show you around and teach you about their customs and culture, including their genuine daily activities like weaving textiles and fabric.

In addition to their uniqueness and beauty, tourists are advised to purchase the products to support and encourage the traditional craft of the locals. Numerous beneficial items exist, like embroidered cushions, scarves with brocade, ethnic instruments, mementos, and so on.

y linh ho village in nothern vietnam
A popular tourist destination

Top destinations near Y Linh Ho village

Cat Cat village

Y Linh Ho village is approximately 15 minutes away by car or motorcycle from Cat Cat village, an ethnic H’Mong village that dates back to the 19th century. When visiting Sapa, this village with its distinctive H’Mong cultural features is also a popular tourist destination. 

There are plenty of interesting sites for visitors to explore in Cat Cat Village, including a watermill, a bamboo bridge that spans the waterfall, wooden swings, rustic cottages, etc. 

Thac Bac Waterfall

The well-known tourist destination Thac Bac Waterfall is located 12 kilometers from Sapa town center and 20 minutes by car from Y Linh Ho Sapa village. The cascading water creates a natural symphony with breathtaking natural beauty. 

Thac Bac Waterfall acts as a natural air conditioner during the summer, dispelling heat and bringing with it the chill of the rushing water and the rocky mountains. 

Muong Hoa Valley

Muong Hoa Valley is situated in the Hau Thao commune, roughly 4 km from Y Linh Ho Village and 10 km from Sapa town center. You must travel over high mountains to get to Muong Hoa Valley. Although the road can be a little challenging to navigate, visiting Muong Hoa Valley will be an incredibly amazing experience.

During the ripe rice season or the pouring rainy season, the Muong Hoa Valleys that are nestled along the hillsides produce an exquisitely inclined beauty. 

y linh ho sapa view
Sapa’s breathtaking mountain scenery

Muong Hoa Valley hosts several distinctive celebrations during the Lunar New Year, including the Day People’s Roong Pooc festival and the Red Dao community’s dance festival.  

Extra Tips

  • You’ll be walking and climbing a lot, so make sure your sneakers are comfortable.
  • Additionally, you should wear plenty of warm clothing because nighttime lows can occur. 
  • Please show consideration for the ethnic communities’ cultures and customs. 
  • To utilize certain Sapa services, such as hotel check-in, you must also prepare identification files.
  • When visiting the village of Y Linh Ho, make sure you have enough cash or ATM cards with you.

Sapa’s breathtaking mountain scenery, which melds with the pristine sky and white fog of the Northwest, never fails to captivate tourists. In actuality, tourists get to experience the cultures of the ethnic minorities in addition to appreciating the beauty. And Y Linh Ho Sapa village is among the tranquil areas of this ethnicity that most excite tourists. We advise you to walk to the village because the bridge is small enough and has such a basic design that it is best crossed on foot. Although the route to Y Linh Ho Village is still quite rough and unsuitable for motorcycles, it is still fine to check in and take pictures to preserve the memories. 


Is Y Linh Ho a popular trekking destination?

Yes, Y Linh Ho Sapa is indeed a popular trekking destination in the Sapa region. Nestled in the Muong Hoa Valley, this charming village is often included in trekking itineraries that traverse the picturesque landscapes of northern Vietnam. The trek to Y Linh Ho offers adventurers a captivating journey through terraced rice fields, allowing them to witness the traditional farming practices of the Black H’mong ethnic minority. 

Are there homestay options in Y Linh Ho?

Certainly, Y Linh Ho offers homestay options, providing visitors with a unique opportunity to experience the warm hospitality of the Black H’mong community. Staying in a homestay allows travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture, sharing daily life with host families and gaining insights into traditional customs. It’s a rewarding experience that goes beyond the typical tourist accommodation, providing a genuine connection with the community in the tranquil setting of Y Linh Ho village.

Which ethnic minorities reside in Y Linh Ho?

Y Linh Ho is primarily inhabited by the Black H’mong ethnic minority. The village, nestled in the Muong Hoa Valley near Sapa, Vietnam, offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and traditional way of life of the Black H’mong people. Visitors have the opportunity to interact with the locals, explore their distinctive houses, and witness the unique customs and practices that have been passed down through generations. 

Are there local markets or shops in Y Linh Ho?

While Y Linh Ho is a small village, it offers visitors the chance to explore local markets and purchase traditional handicrafts from the villagers. While the village may not boast extensive markets or shops, it provides an authentic experience for those seeking locally-made items. Visitors can find unique textiles, handmade crafts, and souvenirs created by the skilled hands of the Black H’mong community. The opportunity to engage with local artisans and purchase their handmade products adds to the charm of Y Linh Ho, making it a delightful stop for those interested in authentic cultural experiences and locally crafted keepsakes.

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