Ha Giang Loop 2 Days: Uncover the Best in 48 Hours

Ha Giang Loop 2 days adventure

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage of northern Vietnam with the Ha Giang Loop 2 days itinerary. In just 48 hours, you’ll traverse winding mountain roads, explore charming villages, and soak in breathtaking views that will leave you spellbound. Join us as we uncover the best of Ha Giang in a whirlwind adventure packed with unforgettable experiences.

Experience the Beauty of Ha Giang Loop 

The Ha Giang Loop is a spectacular motorbike circuit located in Vietnam’s northernmost province, Ha Giang. Renowned for its breathtaking scenery, challenging mountain passes, and rich cultural diversity, it offers an unparalleled adventure for travelers seeking an authentic and exhilarating experience in Vietnam.

Ha giang loop 2 days review
Ha Giang Loop is a must-do for adventure seekers

The loop typically starts and ends in Ha Giang City, stretching over 300 kilometers and taking about 3 to 5 days to complete, depending on the pace and the stops along the way. The journey weaves through remote landscapes, featuring karst mountains, rice terraces, winding rivers, and deep valleys. It passes through several districts, including Quan Ba, Yen Minh, Dong Van, and Meo Vac, each offering unique landscapes and cultural experiences.

Travelers are advised to prepare thoroughly for the journey, as the roads can be challenging, with steep inclines, sharp turns, and varying road conditions. It’s important to have a reliable motorbike, sufficient riding experience, and proper safety gear. Additionally, considering the remote nature of the loop, it’s wise to carry enough cash, as ATMs are scarce, and most transactions are in cash.

The Ha Giang Loop not only offers an adventurous ride but also a deep dive into the cultural and natural beauty of Vietnam’s highlands, making it a must-do for adventure seekers visiting the country.

Best time to do Ha Giang Loop 2 days

Indeed, true backpackers heading to Ha Giang never think about the timing of their trip; they simply feel the urge to go and set off without much contemplation. They hear that the buckwheat flowers are stunning during this season in Ha Giang, so off they go. That’s how it is for Northern travelers. However, if you’re from the South or Central regions, it’s advisable to research a bit about the weather, destinations, and highlights of each season to plan ahead better!

Ha giang loop 2 days tickets
Tham Ma Slope

January – March: Spring from January to March is when Ha Giang is filled with the colors of various flowers like yellow rapeseed flowers, white plum blossoms, and pink peach blossoms. This is also the time when many unique festivals are celebrated in the mountainous town, such as the Gau Tao Festival of the Hmong people, the Long Tong Festival of the Tay people, the Lap Tinh Festival of the Dao people,…

August – October: This is when the terraced fields in Ha Giang are adorned with the golden hues of ripe rice, with the most beautiful area being Hoang Su Phi.

October – November: Enchanted by the beauty of the buckwheat flower fields stretching across the hills of Ha Giang.

How to Get to Ha Giang Loop 

Reaching the Ha Giang Loop involves several steps, primarily because Ha Giang province is located in the far north of Vietnam, making it a bit more challenging to get to than other tourist destinations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get to the Ha Giang Loop:

Travel to Hanoi

Most journeys to Ha Giang begin in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, which serves as the main gateway for international and domestic flights. Hanoi is well-connected with major cities around the world and within Vietnam.

From Hanoi to Ha Giang City

Once in Hanoi, you have a few options to travel to Ha Giang City, the starting point of the Ha Giang Loop:

By Bus

Direct Bus: Several bus companies are operating daily services from Hanoi to Ha Giang. The journey takes approximately 6 to 8 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Overnight sleeper buses are a popular option, allowing you to save on one night’s accommodation.

Bus Companies: Some well-known companies include Quang Nghi, Hai Van, and Cau Me. You can book tickets online, through your accommodation in Hanoi, or directly at the bus station.

By Motorbike

ha giang loop 2 days 1 night
Most journeys to Ha Giang begin in Hanoi

For the more adventurous and experienced riders, renting a motorbike in Hanoi and riding to Ha Giang is an option. However, this journey is long (about 300 kilometers) and can be challenging due to traffic, road conditions, and the need for a valid motorcycle license and experience.

By Private Car or Taxi

You can also hire a private car or taxi for a more comfortable and flexible journey. This is the most expensive option but can be worthwhile, especially for groups or those preferring not to travel by bus.

By Train (to a nearby city)

Another option is taking a train from Hanoi to Lao Cai, and then a bus from Lao Cai to Ha Giang. While this adds complexity to the trip, it’s an opportunity to experience Vietnam’s railway system.

Means of transportation in Ha Giang Loop 2 Days

Renting a motorbike in Ha Giang Loop for the loop is a popular option for travelers. It allows you to explore stunning landscapes, ethnic minority villages, and remote areas at your own pace. 

Select a bike that you are comfortable riding. The roads on the Ha Giang Loop can be challenging, with sharp turns, steep inclines, and sometimes rough surfaces. Semi-automatic and manual bikes are popular choices due to their better handling on such terrain.

Typically, you’ll need to show your passport and a valid driver’s license. International travelers should have an International Driving Permit (IDP) alongside their national license. Rental prices vary depending on the type of motorbike and the rental duration. On average, the cost ranges from 150,000 to 300,000 VND per day ($6 to $13 approximately). Longer rentals may get a discounted rate.

Suggestion for Ha Giang Loop 2 days itinerary

Ha giang loop 2 days cost
View from Ma Pi Leng Panorama Coffee

Depart from the previous night and arrive in Ha Giang City around 6 a.m. the next morning. Due to the long travel itinerary, try to arrive in the city early in the morning to have some rest before hitting the road.

Day 1: Ha Giang – Quan Ba – Lung Cu – Dong Van

6:00 – 7:00 AM: Rise early, have breakfast in Ha Giang City to explore the local cuisine and ensure you’re ready for the day’s journey ahead.

7:00 – 12:00 PM: Start your journey on National Highway 4C towards Yen Minh. Don’t worry about getting lost as there’s only one straight road. Along this route, you can visit Bac Sum Pass, Quan Ba Heaven Gate, Co Tien Twin Mountain, Tam Son town’s Heaven Gate (Quan Ba), and Trang Kim Village. Feel free to stop at any places of interest, but aim to reach Yen Minh around noon for lunch and a break.

1:00 – 6:30 PM: Although the rocky plateau begins at Quan Ba, it leaves Yen Minh where you truly feel the mountainous terrain, with steep slopes seemingly reaching the sky. You’ll be awestruck and surely start capturing stunning check-in photos! Places to visit along this route include Cao Street, Pho Bang Village, Sung La Village (Home of Pao), Vuong Family Mansion (also known as King Meo’s Palace), and Lung Cu Flagpole. Continue driving to Dong Van town before it gets too dark, as the roads are mostly deserted and can be dangerous, especially in foggy conditions.

7:00 – 9:00 PM: Upon arrival in Dong Van town, check into your accommodation, rest for a while, and then head out for dinner. Dong Van town offers plenty of guesthouses, homestays, and restaurants serving grilled dishes, thang co (a traditional Hmong dish), and thang den (a local specialty). After dinner, don’t forget to visit Pho Co Cafe where you might encounter a jovial Hmong man playing the khen (a traditional musical instrument).

Day 2: Dong Van – Ma Pi Leng Pass – Nho Que River – Meo Vac

Ha giang loop 2 days price
The journey weaves through remote landscapes

7:00 – 9:00 AM: Enjoy breakfast with unique dishes like pho or egg crepe in Dong Van. If you’re lucky to visit on a weekend, you can join the Dong Van market – a unique cultural feature of the highland region. Here, you can purchase souvenirs such as fabric pieces or buckwheat cakes, or simply enjoy the local atmosphere.

10:00 – 11:30 AM: Depart from Dong Van and embark on a thrilling journey through the legendary Ma Pi Leng Pass. Its breathtaking beauty will captivate even the most discerning traveler. From here, you can also admire the stunning scenery of the Nho Que River. Don’t forget to take check-in photos with the Miao children who often walk along this route and prepare some candy for them!

11:30 AM – 5:00 PM: Have lunch in Meo Vac, take a short rest, and then continue your journey back to Ha Giang.

5:00 PM: Return to Ha Giang City, return your motorbike, and board a coach back to Hanoi, the capital city.

Ha Giang Loop 3 or 4 Days for Unforgettable Adventure

Accommodation in Ha Giang 2 days 

Ha giang loop 2 days map
Ha Giang Loop offers a glimpse into the mesmerizing beauty

For a 2-day, 1-night trip in Ha Giang, you’ll have various accommodation options ranging from homestays and hostels to hotels. Your choice depends on your budget, comfort preference, and the desire to experience local culture. Here’s an overview:


Homestays are a popular choice for travelers seeking an authentic experience. They offer a unique opportunity to stay with a local family, learn about their way of life, and enjoy homemade meals. Many are located in ethnic minority villages along the Ha Giang Loop, providing a deeper cultural immersion.

  • Pros: Cultural experience, home-cooked meals, support local communities.
  • Cons: Amenities might be basic compared to hotels.


Hostels are ideal for solo travelers or those on a tight budget. They offer dormitory-style accommodations, often with shared bathrooms. It’s a great way to meet other travelers.

  • Pros: Affordable, social atmosphere.
  • Cons: Less privacy, shared facilities.

Hotels and Guesthouses

Hotels and guesthouses in Ha Giang range from budget to mid-range. They provide more privacy and comfort than hostels, with options available in Ha Giang city and along the loop.

  • Pros: More amenities, privacy.
  • Cons: Can be more expensive, less cultural immersion compared to homestays.

For your overnight stay, Dong Van offers a good variety of accommodation options and allows you to experience one of the loop’s highlights, the Ma Pi Leng Pass, early in the day when the views are most spectacular. Remember, the choice of accommodation can significantly influence your travel experience, so select something that aligns with your interests and travel style.

Must-try dishes on Ha Giang Loop

Ha Giang Loop in 2 days
Try local dishes in locasl homestay

Thắng cố 

“Thắng cố” is a dish that embodies the characteristic flavors of the Ha Giang Loop . Originally, this dish was made from horse meat and offal. However, over time, “thắng cố” has evolved to include ingredients such as buffalo meat and beef, enriching its flavor profile. The meat and offal are marinated with mountainous spices like cardamom, star anise, lemongrass, and coriander seeds before being simmered in bone broth. When served, “thắng cố” is often accompanied by a dipping sauce made with a mixture of salt, chili, pepper, and lime juice to enhance its taste. 

Five-Color Sticky Rice (Xôi Năm Màu)

This visually appealing dish is made from sticky rice dyed in five different colors using natural plant extracts. Each color represents one of the five elements (earth, fire, water, wood, and metal) and is a staple during festivals and special occasions. Available at local markets, especially during festivals, or as a special request at some homestays.

Smoked Sausage

The Ha Giang sausage always carries a unique mountainous flavor. Lean meat and fat are the main components in making Ha Giang sausage. When selecting meat for making sausage, people often choose lean meat with enough fat to ensure the finished product is not too dry or greasy. Ha Giang sausage specialty carries the flavor of the highlands’ sunlight and the smoke from corn husk fires, blended with the taste of ginger, wine, and powdered mac khen fruit to create a distinctive flavor and texture. This dish is perfect for enjoying on festive occasions.

Buckwheat (Soba) Cake (Bánh Tam Giác Mạch)

Made from the flour of buckwheat, a crop that paints the fields of Ha Giang with beautiful pink and purple hues in the flowering season, these cakes are a staple snack. They’re slightly nutty in flavor and can be found in both sweet and savory versions. Widely available during the buckwheat flower season at local markets and from street vendors.

Tips for taking Ha Giang Loop 2 days

Ha Giang in 2 days for travelers
The loop typically takes 3 to 4 days to fully enjoy
  • If you’re traveling during the summer, it’s advisable to bring a jacket as the weather in Ha Giang can be quite cold at night. In the winter, remember to pack warm coats, gloves, scarves, and woolen hats to stay warm.
  • Carry along tools for bike repairs and spare fuel to guard against breakdowns on remote roads where there might not be any mechanics or gas stations.
  • The roads in Ha Giang are winding and can be hazardous, especially for inexperienced drivers. Prepare a compact first aid kit for minor accidents if you happen to fall off your bike.
  • Before setting off, pack some snacks to stave off hunger as eateries are scarce along Ha Giang’s mountainous routes.
  • Always use a full-face helmet to ensure safety; avoid using cheap, low-quality helmets. Remember, your life is paramount above all else.


Is it possible to complete the Ha Giang Loop in 2 days?

Yes, it’s possible, but it’s quite rushed. The loop typically takes 3 to 4 days to fully enjoy, allowing time for sightseeing and soaking in the beautiful scenery. However, if you have limited time, you can attempt to complete it in 2 days.

What’s the recommended route for a 2-day Ha Giang Loop?

For a 2-day trip, you’ll need to focus on the highlights. Start early from Ha Giang city and head towards Dong Van via Quan Ba Pass. Spend the first day exploring Dong Van town and nearby attractions such as the UNESCO-listed Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark. Then, on the second day, make your way back to Ha Giang city via Ma Pi Leng Pass, stopping at scenic spots along the way.

How many kilometers is the Ha Giang Loop?

The loop covers around 350-400 kilometers, depending on the specific route and side trips you take. In two days, you’ll need to cover approximately half of this distance each day.

Is it safe to do the Ha Giang Loop in 2 days?

Safety depends on your riding experience and the weather conditions. The roads can be challenging with steep inclines, sharp bends, and occasional landslides. Make sure you’re comfortable riding a motorbike and adhere to safety precautions. Check weather forecasts before embarking on your journey.


In just two days, the Ha Giang Loop offers a glimpse into the mesmerizing beauty and cultural diversity of Vietnam’s northern region. From the picturesque Quan Ba Pass to the dramatic Ma Pi Leng Pass, every twist and turn of the journey unveils a new wonder. So, grab your gear, hop on your motorbike, and immerse yourself in the magic of Ha Giang Loop 2 days, where adventure awaits at every bend.

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