payment method

Payment Method: PayPal
Welcome to Vietnam on the go! We offer a convenient and secure payment method to enhance your shopping experience. We are pleased to accept PayPal as one of our primary payment methods.

How to Make a Payment with PayPal

Log in to Your PayPal Account:
If you already have a PayPal account, log in to it. If you don’t have one yet, you can easily sign up for a free account on the PayPal website.

Select Your Items:
Browse our website and choose the items you wish to purchase.

Proceed to Checkout:
When you’re ready to complete your order, proceed to the checkout page.

Choose PayPal as Your Payment Method:
During the checkout process, select “PayPal” as your preferred payment method.

Secure Payment on PayPal:
You will be securely redirected to the PayPal website. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your payment.

Confirmation Email:
Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation from Vietnam on the go.

Why Use PayPal?
PayPal offers a secure and trusted platform for online transactions. Your financial information is kept confidential, providing an extra layer of protection.

Enjoy the convenience of making payments without entering your credit card details every time. PayPal stores your information securely for future use.

Buyer Protection:
PayPal offers buyer protection, ensuring that you can shop with confidence, knowing your purchases are covered.

Thank you for choosing Vietnam on the go. We hope you have a fantastic shopping experience with us. If you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact our customer support.

Happy to serve you!